Sequence Description Language


File Structure


mtrk files are UTF-8 encoded text-files in the JSON format and need to contain the following properties:

    "file": {
        // General information about the sequence and suited MR system
    "settings": {
        // Settings relevant for the sequence execution
    "infos": {
        // Parameters that are passed to IDEA (without impact on the sequence execution)
        // E.g., values that should be written into the DICOM tags
    "instructions": {        
        // Blocks with instructions (actions) that are executed during the sequence run
    "objects": {
        // List of event objects that are used for the actions
    "arrays": {
        // Data arrays for RF / gradient waveforms or other purpose
    "equations": {
        // List of equations evaluated during the sequence run
    "generator": {
        // Generator parameters used to calculate the sequence. Only stored for reference.
